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百事通!BOYA Youth Talk 博雅少年说演讲比赛 | 用英语传递思想张力

日期:2023-04-13 10:39:08 来源:国际教育网








高一IB学子Keira Long

Keira Long同学围绕The Glimmer of Light(萤烛之光)这个主题,述说自己的一次志愿服务的经历是如何激励她创建公益项目,集合一群志同道合的小伙伴帮助更多需要帮助的孩子。流利的英语、标准的发音、生动形象的讲述,Keira的演讲让在场的听众深受感动。一如她演讲中所说,更多人的微光聚在一起,更多的人贡献力量,将改变世界。以微光吸引微光,用炬火将世界点亮。

获奖感言/Keira Long

我选择参加这个比赛的原因是因为在自己日常的IB课程学习中我们经常要presentation的方式去呈现自己的探究和学习成果,所以它对我的课内学习是很有帮助的,同时我认为这是一个很好可以锻炼自己public speaking的机会,这个能力我将一生受用。


获得这个奖我感到十分荣幸,特别的感谢各位老师和伙伴给我巨大的帮助,也希望在未来可以与更多的朋友们交流public speaking的技巧。


1. 演讲过程中自己的仪态特别重要。挺胸抬头的仪态可以给人很自信的气场,大大给自己的演讲加分。

2. PPT制作仅仅作为自己演讲的辅助而非舞台上的主角,在做演讲的时候尽量让观众把注意力都放在自己口头的内容本身。

3. 不论讲什么内容最重要的是站在舞台上的自信!相信自己每次演讲都一定能做到好。


高一IB学子Peter Sun

Peter Sun同学则讲述了诺贝尔和平奖获得者马拉拉作为女童教育国际倡导者,不畏艰险、坚持不懈为教育平等事业终身奋斗的事迹,呼吁每一个青年找到并坚持值得追求的事业,并为人类的成长和社会的未来做出贡献。Peter慷慨激昂的演讲让在场的每一个人都感受到“星星之火,可以燎原”的力量,作为学生,亦可通过自己微小的努力,不畏惧打击或否定,坚信自己心中的微光、坚持为正确的目标,去奋斗,去改变世界。

获奖感言/Peter Sun











我们期待有更多的同学在IB课程英语及各类语言学习中得到进一步提高,取得优秀的成绩!Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

--Winston Churchill

Aspartof the activities of 2023 Reading Festival hosted by Guangzhou Foreign Language School, the final of the "Boya Youth Talk" English Speech Contest was successfully held. The purpose of this event was to use an expansible theme to encourage student contestants to give play to their English language ability, show the breadth and depth of their thinking, and stimulate their flexibility and resilience.

Two students from Guangzhou Foreign Language School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme stood out from the many contestants with their proficient language skills and profound insights and achieved good results! In the competition, they either started from their own experiences or quoted the life stories of famous people, and delivered very exhilarating speeches, which showed not only the charm of their advanced English, but also their deep thinking, demonstrating the qualities of independent inquiry and critical thinking emphasized by IB education.

Next, let"s take a look at the wonderful performance of the two IB students who won prizes in the Boya Youth Talk English Speech Contest!


G10 IB Student Keira Long

Based on the theme of The Glimmer of Light, Keira Long talked about how her volunteer experience inspired her to establish a public welfare programme and gather a group of like-minded friends to help more children in need. Fluent in English, with standard pronunciation and vivid narration, Keira"s speech moved the audience deeply. As she said in her speech, with glimmers and contributions of more people gathered, the world could be changed. With glimmer attracted to glimmer, the gathered torchlight will light up the world.

AwardAcceptance Speech/Keira Long

The reason why I chose to participate in this competition is that in my daily IB course study, we often have to present our inquiry and learning results in the form of presentation, so this event is very helpful to my in-class study, and I think it is also a very good opportunity to practice my public speaking ability which will benefit me for my whole life.

The main obstacle in my preparation was that it was difficult to shorten the length of my speech to less than three minutes. During the process, Teacher Leo and Teacher Wade gave me a lot of practical revision suggestions, which helped me to revise the manuscript to a speech very concise and without nonsense and increase the effects of the speech. Another one was about on-stage performance. During the preparation, I got a lot of inspiration from the teachers’ guidance and the communication with the participating partner Peter.

It is a great honour for me to receive this award. I would like to thank all the teachers and friends for their great help. I also hope to exchange public speaking skills with more friends in the future.

I have gained a lot from this competition, and summed up my experience for all students:

1. Your posture is very important during the speech. A posture with your chest and head up will give you a very confident aura, which greatly benefits your speech.

2. Your PPT is only an aid to your speech rather than the focus on the stage. When giving a speech, try to have the audience focus on the content of your spoken speech.

3. No matter what the content of your speech is, the most important thing is to stand on the stage with confidence! Believe that you can do well every time you make a speech.

First Prize

G10 IB Student Peter Sun

Peter Sun told the story of Malala, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, as an international advocate of girls" education, who was not afraid of hardships and persevered in her lifelong struggle for the cause of education equality. Peter called on all young people to find and persist in a meaningful career and contribute to the growth of human beings and the future of society. His impassioned speech made everyone present feel the power of "a single spark can start a prairie fire". As a student, through his own efforts, without being afraid of blows or denials, firmly believing in the glimmer of light in his heart, he could keep fighting for the right goal, and change the world.

AwardAcceptance Speech/Peter Sun

It is a great honour to win the first prize in this English Speech Contest, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped me.

First, I would like to thank my teachers. They patiently guided me on how to improve my spoken expression ability, and always supported me when I encountered difficulties and gave me encouragement and help. Thanks to Teacher Eli and Teacher Leo forcontinuallyhelping me,polishingmy manuscript, and correcting my posture.

Secondly, I would like to thank my classmates, who have been practicing with me before the competition, sharing experience and suggestions with me, which helped me stand on stage with more confidence. Thanks to Collin and Loofee for always cheering me on. Although my performance was not very satisfactory in the early stage, they were always by my side, as listeners, and gave me objective and fair feedback. I would also like to thank Jila and Alice, as respectable opponents and amiable classmates, who have always been my role models. It is their outstanding performance that inspires me and makes me keep working hard to keep up with them and learn from them.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents, who have always supported me in this competition and given me endless encouragement and support. They gave me great encouragement when I was discouraged because the manuscript needed many revisions. Their encouragement is the greatest motivation for me to move forward.

Finally, I would like to thank my school. It is the school that provided the platform for me to participate in this competition, and provided comprehensive education and training which gave me the ability to perform well in the competition.

I am very happy and excited to receive this award. This is the reward for my hard work, and it is also the motivation for my future study and development. I believe that with the support of teachers, classmates, and family members, I will go further and further on the road of English learning. Thank you all!

The outstanding English speech ability of the students come from their excellent self-management and IB’s unique English courses which not only teach English knowledge to students, but also encourage students to become thoughtful while exercising their logical thinking from multiple aspects and exploring the depth and breadth of knowledge.

Guangzhou Foreign Language School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme uses English as the teaching language, which lays the foundation for students to learn English. It also combines English teaching with subjectteachingand holistic education. By organizing various language-related activities, such as English debate competitions and speech competitions, it integrates language learning with school life which not only enhances students" academic ability, but also expands students" exploration of and expression in the language of English.

IB students could improve their comprehensive abilities in an English environment, such as teamwork, leadership and organization, speech presentation and other abilities, and learn to use dialectical and logical methods to think and solve problems.

At the same time, GZFLS ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme has a team of experienced expat teachers and local well-known teachers who graduated from overseas universities, which allows students to engage in immersive English learning and further improve their language skills.

We look forward to more students improving in their IB English courses and various language learning and achieving excellent results!

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